Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Meatless Monday

I have pledged to give up meat on Mondays.

Along with hundreds of other people across the world, I am going to follow Johns Hopkins' Bloomberg School of Public Health's new initiative to reduce meat consumption by 15% in order to improve personal and global health. Hopkins' Meatless Monday isn't the first time the country has created strategies to reduce consumption. During the WWI the US Food Administration stressed how much money and resources could be saved if citizens refrained from eating meat just one day a week. The campaign was so successful that it returned during WWII.

Though Meatless Mondays was implemented in 2003, with the recent surge in vegetarian, vegan, and glutton-free dieting/eating lifestyles, the movement has gotten even more popular. Many celebrities back the cause, including Paul McCartney, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mario Batali, Kate Moss, Olivia Wilde, Ed Begley Jr., Simon Cowell, and, of course, Al Gore.

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